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Leetcode DP Practice Questions

Here is a list of some popular LeetCode dynamic programming problems:

  1. Climbing Stairs

  2. Maximum Subarray

  3. House Robber

  4. Decode Ways

  5. Coin Change

  6. Unique Paths

  7. Palindrome Partitioning II

  8. Regular Expression Matching

  9. Wildcard Matching

  10. Integer Break

  11. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock

  12. Longest Palindromic Subsequence

  13. Minimum Path Sum

  14. Edit Distance

  15. Longest Increasing Subsequence

  16. Distinct Subsequences

  17. Jump Game

  18. Jump Game II

  19. Partition Equal Subset Sum

  20. Longest Valid Parentheses

  21. Word Break

  22. Word Break II

  23. Paint House

  24. Paint House II

  25. Unique Binary Search Trees

  26. Unique Binary Search Trees II

  27. Minimum Cost For Tickets

  28. Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden

  29. Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock with Cooldown

  30. Perfect Squares

These are some of the well-known dynamic programming problems on LeetCode. You can search for each problem by name on the LeetCode platform to find detailed descriptions, examples, and solutions provided by the community.